Investment Reporting Optimization


A leading Canadian Asset Management Company’s client reporting duties were segmented by investment asset class creating throughput challenges, especially during peak demand periods. The client believed there was an opportunity to centralize the client reporting process and decouple it from the siloed model embedded within each group's Investment Operations. 

CRG was engaged to assess, document, and quantify current state reporting activities and design an optimized future state operating model for centralized client reporting. 


To help the client achieve their objectives, CRG developed and executed a two-phased approach: 

 Current State Assessment 

  • Conducted interviews with operational resources and senior leadership within Investment Operations to uncover process details, roles, responsibilities, pain points and potential solutions 
  • Documented findings using process maps and detailed accountability matrices to visualize current state 
  • Developed a detailed capacity model to quantify required client reporting effort (i.e., FTE and Headcount) including peak demand periods 

 Future State Design 

  • Developed and workshopped solution options for centralization of client reporting to align on accountabilities, process flows, and interaction models  
  • Analyzed solution options and assessed impact versus effort to select the go-forward recommendations 
  • Quantified future state benefits and determined headcount requirements in an optimized and centralized reporting team 
  • Prioritized recommendations into a sequenced roadmap to support implementation


CRG helped the client create an efficient, centralized model which segregates client reporting and reduces peak demand period reporting effort by 33%. This was achieved through the following deliverables:  

  • Pragmatic three-stage implementation strategy with a sequenced roadmap to optimize, centralize and implement strategic initiatives 
  • 32 recommendations to optimize and improve the client reporting process across the year as well as at peak demand periods 
  • Detailed process maps, interaction models and RACIs to operationalize the client reporting team 

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